sábado, 13 de junio de 2020

Write the concluding paragraph for the following essay

 It has been said by various social commentators over the ages, among them Dostoyevsky, that how civilized a country is can be measured by how it treats its inmates or those in prison. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this idea?

Concluding, torture and abuse does not have justification, each crime have a punishment but mistreatment is not one and it is not legal either. Violence don't have effects in the crime rates of the countries, so the question we have to do to ourselves,  to the society and to the politicians that make decisions related to the prisons issue is if the incarceration have the objetive of revenge or reintegration? Can the human rights disappear for a person that did a crime? What means to live in a civilized society?

jueves, 11 de junio de 2020

Post 3

Exercise 2
Write two paragraphs that present pro and contra arguments in response to this question:
There is a growing trend to see obesity as a public health problem that requires state intervention while some people feel that this is a personal issue that should be resolved accordingly. How do you see this?

When we talk about obesity is undeniable that its present as a individual problem because we are obviously talking about people with obesity problems most of the time related with feeding imbalances, sedentary life and sometimes genetic factors. If we think only in this three factors as a explanation of the obesity we well find the solution as well in personal responsibilities. People must have a better control of their time and the kind of food that they eat with the objetive of put their healthy live as a priority in their lifestyle, and that decision has to be personal, nobody can do it for you.However, the past paragraphs ignores that there ir a group of people that doesn't have total control of their lifestyle, we are talking about the children. Children obesity is also a big problem that can not be resolve in the same way as the adults people. Children live according the schools times where they attend and eats the food that their family can buy for them, so there are some factor related to obesity that have to be resolved with state intervention, specially if we think the feeding as a cultural factor.